Supporting you through life’s thresholds.

Thresholds such as loss, life transitions, or the death of a loved one are the most important and life-changing experiences we face and we are not meant to navigate these moments alone.

Tending Thresholds provides a safe and compassionate space to find healing and support as you make your way through life’s thresholds.

Tending Thresholds is offered by Serra Heart, a gifted healer and intuitive guide. She provides compassionate earth-based practices for being with life’s cycles of change.

She has spent years accompany individuals, couples, and families through the grief and the growth that accompanies life’s most significant crossings and helping them integrate the gifts these experiences have to offer.

Tending Thresholds is for individuals, couples, and families seeking a humanist, ritualist and compassionate support to walk with you through life’s pivotal moments.



  • Reconnect with your inner wisdom and learn to trust your intuition as you navigate grief, personal transformation or any other significant life catalyst calling you inward.

  • Working with ancestral wisdom, nature, and elemental energies to align your heart to a deeper primal knowing.

  • Learn about the potential healing capacity of plant spirit medicine and how it can support you in integrating life’s thresholds.

  • At Tending Thresholds, one-on-one in person work is grounded in earth-based ritual that brings body, heart, and mind into connection. These rituals are the simple human rites that helps us find meaning through life moments of growth and change. Ritual helps honor and glean wisdom from pivotal moments in life.